Software Development and GIS Integration
We provide software consultancy and development services to HFAS and other clients through our GMSoftware ‘brand’. The principal focus is on the development of systems to capture, validate, store and interrogate transport-related data. Given that ‘everything happens somewhere’ the ability to integrate information with maps through the innovative use of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) is one of our key strengths. The main development platforms are Microsoft Office applications, MapInfo (a GIS) and the .NET framework. Our systems include:
- GMAXI – validates and stores road traffic accident data and provides a map-based system to interrogate the data
- GMCOUNTS – provides a map-based system to display and analyse traffic count
- GMBusRoutes – builds and maintains maps of all the bus services in GM and provides an interactive route map which is available to TfGM staff
Website Development
We develop and maintain websites, and webpages within our own site, on behalf of our clients. Examples include:
- – GM’s Car sharing website
We specialise in map-enabled webpages enabling clients to disseminate complex information as widely as possible. Where clients are concerned to limit access to data we can provide password protected sites.
Accessibility Studies
We use Accession, as recommended by the DfT, to examine the accessibility of local areas to a wide range of facilities by foot, bicycle and public transport. Accessibility can be modelled using current bus and rail services and also taking into account proposed service revisions.
Strategic Modelling Support
We support our Transport Planning and Modelling Group through the development and maintenance of:
- the Greater Manchester SATURN model
- networks and trip matrices for ‘standard’ forecast years
- systems to process travel survey information and undertake model calibration and validation
DEVTRIPS – a simple system to quickly estimate the likely impact of a new development, for example a supermarket, on the local road network
Emissions Modelling
We maintain the atmospheric emissions inventory for Greater Manchester (EMIGMA) and produce an annual report. The inventory feeds into the Greater Manchester Emissions Dispersion Model (GMEDIS) which provides pollutant concentrations across Greater Manchester.
For more information, ask our advise or commission our services contact one of us below:
- Ian Hull - Geospatial Team Leader - 0161 244 1454
- Tony Morris - Modelling Officer - 0161 244 1452
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