Forecasting and Analytical Services was commissioned, on behalf of the Greater Manchester Local Authorities, to undertake an update of the emissions inventory (EMIGMA) for a base year of 2008. The 2008 EMIGMA database covers an area of 1272 km2 encompassing the ten administrative districts of Greater Manchester. The inventory contains information on the emissions of pollutants identified in the UK's Air Quality Strategy from all identifiable sources in the area. The emissions sources are grouped into three broad categories:
- stationary point sources - predominantly industrial processes;
- mobile line sources - road, rail and air transportation;
- area sources - other influential sources, such as domestic emissions, for which it is not practical to resolve to point or line representations but which are nevertheless collectively significant. These sources are essentially population based and include, for example, combustion and solvent usage related emissions from domestic houses.
The database allows the magnitude and spatial distribution of emissions across Greater Manchester to be investigated and enables the relative importance of different sources of air pollution to be examined. The emissions data has a further role in providing the basis for dispersion modelling exercises and air quality management planning. In conjunction with transport models it also provides the basis for forecasting air quality and determining the effects of changes in land use planning and transportation policies.
Download the final report (PDF, 13.5 Mb)
For more information, please contact Ian Hull (0161 244 1454).
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GreatAir Manchester
Last updated: 01 March, 2013